Adult Education

We continue to grow as disciples throughout our lives. River Hills UMC offers opportunities for education, spiritual development, and Christian relationships on Sundays morning and during the week.


We have Christian Education opportunities for adults both on Sunday mornings and during the week. In addition to the long-term groups listed below, short-term studies are offered periodically, so watch the weekly announcements for information on this. If you have an idea of something you'd like to study or lead, talk to Pastor Allison. All of these groups are open to new participants.

Wednesday Nights

Everyone starts together with a song or two in the Fellowship Hall at 6:15pm before moving into specified age groups until 7:15pm.

Adult Education & Fellowship Choices:

Pastor Robert Braudt is leading a Bible study, taking a year-long journey (2024-2025 school year) through the Bible using Kerygma Program Structure. This class is offered on Sunday mornings during Connect & Learn and Wednesday evenings after dinner each week, so come to whichever time works for you. Contact Pastor Robert if you have any questions about the study, the scheduling, or if you would like to join in!

Pastor Allison Warren is hosting a drop-in discussion that is open to all! Kids and Teens are welcome to stay with their parents through the drop-in discussion, or break for Youth Group and JAM Club which meet at the same time. Check out Children's, Youth, and other Wednesday Night Events for more information!

Tuesday Bible Study

Bible Study meets on Tuesday, 10:00-11:00am, through the school year to explore different books about the Bible and living as a disciple. A new study starts every 4-8 weeks and books are available to purchase from the church. Contact Pastor Allison if you have questions. All are welcome!

Book Club

Book Club meets every other month on Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm, in the Library at church to discuss a book selected by the group. You will need to purchase or borrow your own copy of the book. Becky Cook leads Book Club.

Anti-Racism Study Group

The murder of George Floyd brought a consciousness about issues regarding race to many people. Join us as we gather to read and discuss issues that deepen our understanding about racism throughout American history and how we can work as Christians to fight against the impacts of racism. We meet after worship (11am) on the 3rd Sunday of the month. Contact Jessica McMahon with questions.

"The Chosen" Study

The group meets in the library on 2nd & 4th Sundays during Connect & Learn (11am) to watch and discuss this TV drama about the life of Jesus. Lesli Anderson facilitates.

Social Media

Follow our Youtube or Facebook to view all of our livestreamed services. You can also join our Friends of RHUMC Facebook Page, which is regularly updated with details and announcements. Families can join our Facebook Group for Youth Parents, or follow our Youth Instagram Page!

Rev. Allison Warren
Rev. Allison Warren
Minister of Outreach & Education
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