Wednesday Activities
Wednesday evenings include activities and music rehearsals for a variety of groups. Contact the leaders of each area to learn more about getting involved.
During the school year September through May, Wednesday is our biggest night of ministry outside of Sunday mornings. Come for any part of it that works for you!

To start the evening, we gather for dinner as a church family from 5:30pm - 6:15pm before all our other Wednesday night activities get going. Suggested donation of $5 a plate ($15 limit for families).
Wednesday Nights
Learn more about children's, youth, and adult programs by following these links.
Everyone starts together with a song or two in the Fellowship Hall at 6:15pm before moving into specified age groups until 7:15pm.
Adult Education & Fellowship Choices:
Pastor Robert Braudt is leading a Bible study, taking a year-long journey (2024-2025 school year) through the Bible using Kerygma Program Structure. This class is offered on Sunday mornings during Connect & Learn and on Wednesday evenings after dinner each week, so come to whichever time works for you. Contact Pastor Robert if you have any questions about the study, the scheduling, or if you would like to join in!
Pastor Allison Warren is hosting a drop-in discussion that is open to all! Kids and Teens are welcome to stay with their parents through the drop-in discussion, or break for Youth Group and JAM Club which meet at the same time.
JAM (Jesus & Me) Club: Age 4 through 5th grade gather for crafts, fun, and learning about Jesus. Starts at 6:15pm with music in the Fellowship Hall, and then moves to room 110 until 7:15pm. Led by Erica Triebenbach.
Youth Group: Grades 6 through 12 gather for faith, fellowship, and fun! We start at 6:15pm with music in the Fellowship Hall, then moves to the Youth Room until 7:15pm. Led by Seth Horstman.
Music Rehearsals
Learn more about music groups on the music page.
Chancel Choir: The choir is open to any highschoolers and adults! Rehearsals are from 6:00pm - 7:00pm in the Sanctuary each Wednesday night. The Chancel Choir sings in worship most weeks during the school year. Just reach out to our Directors of Music to get involved.
Praise Team: Praise Team leads the congregation in contemporary music during worship. Rehearsal set-up begins at 7:00pm in the sanctuary, and practice runs until 8:15pm each Wednesday night. The team includes piano, drums, bass, guitar, vocals, and other instruments as needed. Talk to our Directors of Music to get involved.
Hand Bell Choir: Our hand bell choir includes both youth and adults, and plays in worship about once a month during the school year. Rehearsals are from 7:00pm - 8:30pm in the Bosshardt Room each Wednesday night. Talk to Sue Thompson or Warren Pyle to get involved.