Ash Wednesday Worship
Ash Wednesday worship (6:30pm; in-person and livestreamed) is the beginning of Lent, the season of reflection leading toward Easter.
On Ash Wednesday we remember our creation in God's hands and our ultimate mortality. It's a time to remember our humanity, our tendency toward sin, and our hope in forgiveness as we begin the 40-day journey to the tragedy of Good Friday and the triumph of Easter. Ash Wednesday worship includes the imposition of ashes (marking a cross with ashes on each person's forehead or hand) to remember that "you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
Most of our regularly scheduled Wednesday Night Activities will be changed due to the Ash Wednesday Service, so make sure you check the announcements for details on what all will be going on! RSVP with Seth Horstman ( for pizza and ash paint. Just let him know who will be participating so that we can grab enough food and supplies for the night. A quick dinner, and a quick family art project at 6:00pm.
Come as You Are
Serve Together Faithfully
Live into God's Inclusive Love